PHYSICS researches novel and integrated detection, mitigation and compensation strategies for attacks on communication networks so that the security, resilience and privacy requirements of communication infrastructures are met....

PHYSICS - PHY Security Innovations for Communication Systems | BSI-Förderprojekt zur Cyber-Sicherheit und digitale Souveränität in den Kommunikationstechnologien 5G/6G

news & developments

  • 5G/6G Forum: Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty

    5G/6G Forum: Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty

    With the aim of actively shaping the future of 5G/6G communication technologies, the BSI invited people to the 5G/6G Forum in Dresden at the mightyTwice Hotel.

  • IEEE CNS 2024 in Taipeh

    IEEE CNS 2024 in Taipeh

    The conference took place in Taipei (Taiwan, ROC) from September 30 to October 3, 2024. Research associate Jonas Ninnemann presented a paper at the conference as part of the “Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Resilience of Next-Generation Mobile Networks”.

  • Autonomous taxis

    Autonomous taxis

    The Chinese city of Wuhan has more driverless taxis than anywhere else: 500 autonomous cars are on the road in the city of 11 million, and this number is expected to rise to 1,000 by the end of 2024.

  • Topic: Human or AI?

    Topic: Human or AI?

    A few weeks ago, Deutschlandfunk broadcast an interesting report on the topic of the reliability of artificial intelligence and the technology associated with it, and made a comparison with the accident statistics of current developments in autonomous driving.